Pura d'or Gray Hair Prevention: Premium Organic Shampoo (16 fl. oz.) Product Description Our naturally organic shampoo for gray hair treatment is free of harsh chemicals that are the current and leading cause of many chronic hair conditions. Our shampoo is free of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), DEA, parabens, gluten, artificial colors, artificial fragrances and harsh preservatives. This gentle formula is infused with organic argan oil, B vitamin complex, tea tree oil, He Shou Wu (Fo-ti) and other clinically proven natural ingredients to help treat gray hair. First, it nourishes hair follicles with essential nutrients to start the healing process. Catalase enzymes stimulates melanocytes to produce the melanin protein responsible for the natural hair color. Continued use will prevent premature gray hair. Result starts in 6 to 12 weeks of daily use. Safe for daily use and all hair types. Product of U.S.A.
Absonutrix Anti Gray Hair Pure - Most Advanced Formula Today! Restore Your Hair Color! Product DescriptionAbsonutrix Anti-Gray pure contains the enzyme catalase According to this study, the absence of catalase is thought to initiate the chain reaction resulting in grey hair. Absonutrix Anti-Gray Pure combines catalase with other nutrients recognized for their benefits in promoting fuller, healthier and thicker hair. Absonutrix Anti-Gray Pure helps to stimulate melancocytes to increase the body's ability to produce melanin pigment, which overcomes the genetically based tendency to produce less or little melanin. Hair color is determined by a pigment known as melanin that's distributed through the middle of the hair shaft. The range of color, from blond to brown to black, is determined by the number, size, and color of the pigment granules. When hair is produced by the reproduction of the epithelial cells comprising the follicle, newly produced melanin accumulates in the cells and colors the hair itself as it emerges from the follicle. As we get older, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. When there are fewer pigment cells in a hair follicle, that strand of hair will no longer contain as much melanin and will become a more transparent color - like gray, silver, or white - as it grows. As people continue to get older, fewer pigment cells will be around to produce melanin. Eventually, the hair will look completely gray. Absonutrix Anti-Gray Pure works to reactivate dormant or near dead pigments cell throughout the body to help to restore gray hair back to its original hair color. People around the world have benefited from this breakthrough natural formula. The results may vary since people start to have gray hair at different stages in their lives and no hair strands respond at the same time or in the same way to treatment. You should notice a difference in usually 4 to 9 months. With proper nutrition and increased blood flow to the scalp, dormant follicles can begin producing healthy hair once again.
Get Away Grey - A New Natural Way to Make Your Grey Go Away
Introducing Get Away Grey Get Away Grey is the new breakthrough product that features a proprietary blend of all-natural Super Premium Vitamins and herbs that prevent and reverse grey hair by bringing back your natural hair color from the inside out. Based on documented scientific studies from the University of Bradford, in the United Kingdom, the anti-grey Super-Vitamin works by replenishing a naturally occurring enzyme we all have called Catalase that slowly depletes as we age causing hair to gray.How Catalase WorksHydrogen peroxide is naturally produced by the body and Catalase has the unique ability to break it down. If you're not producing enough Catalase, the hydrogen peroxide bleaches your natural color to grey.Get Away Grey has a super concentration of the Catalase enzyme to reverse your grey hair while providing a healthy and natural alternative to the messy toxic chemical home remedies or expensive trips to your hair stylist for artificial dyes.Ingredients